TheTunisian Poultry and Rabbit Association (GIPAC) is a public institution under the Ministry of Agriculture and the environment is a very specific institution that plays a primordial role in rabbit & poultry industries in Tunisia. Its main tasks are to ensure the harmonious development of the poultry sector and to intervene at all levels of production. GIPAC ensures the supervision of farmers, promotion of products quality. It is also instigator of studies on the new technologies, new strategies to adopt and programs to upgrade in the two sectors.
In addition toits contribution in the organization of the profession and in his frame, GIPAC provides programming rabbit & poultry production and market regulation. The development of the two sectors is being done mainly by encouraging the integration of producers with processors to establish production contracts between the various stakeholders. It represents all stakeholders in both sectors and has somehow an important role in the dialogue between professionals and government to achieve the objectives set by mutual agreement.
In addition,it contributes to the export promotion in collaboration with professional and relevant government bodies. It became the official body of the collection, analysis and publication of all statistical data and has a rich database.