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The traditional hands to wear being married ring may be the left hand. This is because it's the finger with the vein of love, which will symbolizes romantic movie. Women in Denmark traditionally wear all their engagement rings on the left hand, but after marriage they move them to the right side. However , different civilizations have different customs when it comes to wedding wedding rings.

Some cultures, such as the Romans, place rings on the best hand. In Germany, for example , the engagement ring is placed on the next finger from thumb. This practice goes back to old Roman circumstances, when the jewelry finger about the left hand was believed to contain the vein of love.

In the usa, the traditional ring finger paraguay brides to decorate a wedding hoop is the last finger on the left hand. While there are many ideas about which finger the engagement ring need to be placed on, the most of sources recognize that the engagement ring must be worn on the left hand, at the last finger.

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Although the classic hand to embellish a wedding wedding band on is definitely the left hand, other hands can be equally ideal. In old times, the ancient Romans believed the fact that fourth little finger, which is called the wedding band finger, was obviously a vein leading directly to the heart. Because of this connection, it was thought that the ring ring finger was a indication of faithfulness. However , this kind of idea was disproved simply by modern research, now many couples still decide to wear the wedding jewelry on the left palm.

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