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If you're thinking of buying or sell off a product in Craigslist, there are a few safety recommendations you should know. The very best advice is always to never discuss with someone an individual know, and to keep yourself shielded.

It's important to remember that Craigslist is a fantastic place to make contact with people you have in mind, but you should always be cautious. Criminals have a knack for posing as real sellers. A lot of criminals work with wire transactions and fake money instructions, and a seller who uses these services should be avoided without exceptions.

Never discuss with a new person alone, , nor invite these people into your residence. Instead, keep these things meet you at a public place, such as a shopping mall, a recreation area, or a parking lot.

Be sure to use a safe and secure email once communicating with a stranger. Using a free or perhaps paid out email provider, such as Yahoo Voice, can help you stay private. Also, avoid posting your contact information, just like your name and home solve, on Craigslist ads.

When buying technology, it's also important to readd in person. Ask for a demonstration. Prevent purchasing pricey items with no seeing these people first. And never give out your credit card number or other sensitive information to a new person.

Make sure you meet with a friend, or perhaps get a family member, when acquiring or selling items. This can prevent awkward circumstances. You should also under no circumstances rent an apartment or residence without assembly the landlord or perhaps owner.

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