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A lot of Chinese and Japanese marriages are presided over by a Shinto clergyman. It begins with a purification assistance, where the priest shakes his paper-decorated staff over the altar, bride and groom, as well as close members of the family and guests. The wedding ceremony also includes a examining of a poem on marital life, and the few are given glutinous rice balls in viscous syrup to bring sweet taste to their relationship.

A few days and nights before the marriage, a female relative of good bundle of money from the groom’s side adorns the bridal bed with new red color beddings and cushions with a mix of longans, persimmons, and red schedules to symbolize a sweet and long-lasting marital life blessed with fertility. To complete the ritual, a healthy son is then made to jump on your bed. It’s stated that no one can sit or sleeping in the bedding until the couple go back to it with each other at the end of the nights their wedding.

Three days after the wedding, the newly-married couple repays respect to the bride’s parents and her grandpa and grandma to thank them for increasing their child and asking for blessings. They will might also present gifts to these people.

A lavish eight-course banquet managed by the bride’s parents is usually accompanied by fireworks, a lion dance and musicians. Additionally, it features a slideshow of childhood images from both people as well as a roudy toast of “yam seng” (cheers) at the end of the nighttime.

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